Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
Questions Related to Opening the Qualified Course
- Q.We want to apply for the grant for setting up a new course. How should we go through a procedure?
- A.You can download the grant application form (Japanese/English) from the “Download Forms”section of the Foundation's website. Please read carefully the Foundation's basic vision, activities, subsidization policy before applying for the grant.
- Q.What kind of syllabus should we prepare for a new course? It is difficult for us to have a clear image of the concrete content of such a course.
- A.You can refer to “List of Universities receiving the Grant” on this website for that. It has a list of universities and the courses subsidized by the Foundation and a section of their syllabuses. The syllabuses are available in Japanese and some in English.
- Q.Is there any advice on making a course plan? Is the omnibus-format necessary?
- A.While we respect universities' autonomy in syllabus creation, it is desirable to approach course
subjects from diverse fields and themes with contributions from various speakers, including external
lecturers. Therefore, an omnibus-style approach is required.
- Q.Are there any conditions that require a course to meet for receiving a grant?
- A.Course should be one of formally recognized by the school rules, and a certain lesson hours (teaching hour X sessions) be assured for a given period such as a semester. Thus, as a general rule, the course must qualify a credit or credits of the school.
- Q.How many days before opening the course or beginning the lessons, must we submit application for the grant?
- A.In principle, an application for a grant must be submitted to the Foundation three months, at the latest, before opening a new course. For details, see “Download Forms” on the Foundation's website.
- Q.Are there any restrictions concerning transfer of grant money to school? Is it limited only to direct transfer to the school’s bank account?
- A.Yes. The grant money will be transferred only to the school’s (or its sub-organ’s) formal bank account. No other method will be available.
- Q.How is the amount of each case decided?
- A.The amount of each application will be decided by the Foundation’s screening committee based on its screening standards. In concrete terms, when deciding the amount the committee will consider, in a comprehensive manner, such factors as income level of the country, the size of the school (total number of students of the school and enrollment limit of the department planning to have a new course), the number of students attending the course, and the lineup of teaching staff of the course (special field of study, each lecturer’s allotted task, inviting quest lecturers or not) and among others.
- Q.Are there any restrictions concerning the course name and the contents of the syllabus?
- A.The Foundation respects the autonomy of every university/college and there are no specific restrictions. However, because the grant is targeted at the courses of universities that understand the intent and philosophy of the Foundation and provide courses that are aligned with that direction, focusing on topics such as regional integration, we request that the course name and syllabus content not deviate from the scope of the grant.
- Q.Is there any restriction regarding departments to be subsidized by the Foundation? Could a department (instead of college) be a grant recipient?
- A.The grant recipient could be the whole school, some particular department, general (meaning liberal arts) course or some specialized course. Even a department of science and technology is a potential candidate.
- Q.Do you accept grant applications for the third year and more?
- A.The grant period is two years only. There are some cases that the applications for the third year and more can be approved if the certain requirements are fulfilled; the course being offered and will be continued as an official regular lecture series at the university, etc.
Other General Questions
- Q.Is there any religious motivation behind the activities of the Foundation?
- A.The Foundation has no connection with any religions or religious groups. This Foundation will not restrict its members’ any and every right regarding their freedom of thought, belief and religion, nor will it engage in any activity making an exception for some specific thought, belief or religion. The Foundation believes that a person’s freedom of thought and belief should be most highly respected.
- Q.Are schools with religious background (such as “missionary school”) excluded from being subsidized by the Foundation?
- A.Provided the university is aligned with the Foundation's basic philosophy of "Contributing to the elimination of conflict around the world, so all people on earth can live in a harmonious and peaceful society", courses run by universities with a religious background and so-called mission-based universities are eligible for grants.
- Q.What about fields or regions that are eligible for Foundation grants?
- A.The aim of this Foundation is to contribute to the elimination of conflict around the world, so all people on earth can live in a harmonious and peaceful society. Accordingly, the scope of fields aligned with the philosophy and intent of the Foundation, such as regional integration, community, and so on, is wide. In other words, we hope that the field is not necessarily bound by regional concepts, but whether the course is useful in building even better future communities that transcend nationality and ethnicity, and take a perspective that is not limited to Asia but also to Europe and indeed the world.
- Q.Is the Foundation connected with the government or government services?
- A.There are no connections at all. This Foundation is an institution founded and supported by an endowment of utterly private assets. In terms of our connection with government, we draw a line under the activities in which we engage. The Foundation strictly maintains a policy of taking a neutral stance on our activities as a private organization, so that we are not influenced by nations, organizations, and so on.
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