Basic Vision
The aim of our foundation is to contribute to the elimination of all conflicts in the world and the creation of a harmonious and peaceful society for everyone on earth.
Over the past decade until 2020, the activities of our Foundation, which began with a focus on the Asian region, have gone beyond mere regional boundaries, and we have helped to deepen discussions about community in many different forms. In addition, this era is pursuing expectations for a new form and role of a community beyond existing nations, ethnicities and ideologies.
Presently, there are various confrontations, conflicts and strife in the world, related to politics, economics, ethnicities, religion, culture, the environment, and so on. The ability to eliminate these numerous conflicts in the future rests on the shoulders of the youth. Our hope is that all students are able to learn about world history, culture, religions, politics, economics, technology, and art, as well as the importance of diverse values, and are brought up to have a broad perspective and awareness through mutual understanding and exchange with people from around the world. Hopefully through these means, it can lead to the contribution for building an even better, conflict-free world in the future.
The quote "Those who only know one country know no country" (A. de Tocqueville) could also be expressed as "Those who only know Asia, actually do not even know Asia." Asia needs to learn from the experience and wisdom of Europe, while Europe can seek inspiration from Asia. Through mutual understanding of our respective experiences, histories, cultures and societies, we believe it can enable us to discover new possibilities for the next era.
When we look back in history, it goes without saying that studies to date have tended to view Asia from a Western perspective. From now on, we should not simply learn about Europe from Asia, but instead we would like to share our expectations and hopes for "creating a new community that transcends Asia and Europe" by understanding Europe.
From 2009 through to 2020, the Foundation has provided a platform that mainly centered on the Asia region. By looking ahead and focusing on the expansion of our activities globally, we believe that in this time, it is necessary to expand this platform, from Asia to regions including the Middle East and Europe. Based on this, we will change the name of our foundation from "One Asia Foundation" to "Eurasia Foundation (from Asia)", and will conduct our future activities under this new name.
For this reason, the Foundation provides a new platform that changes focus from "Asia" to "Eurasia". The various Asia-related research and questions that were raised to date are important, and we look forward to the future of those researches. We would like to use such research as a groundwork from which we can go a step further, and provide the next generation with opportunities to learn about an even wider and more diverse world. In a world that is becoming increasingly globalized, we must not limit our understanding to specific regions but instead understand the world from a diverse and broad perspective.
Our Foundation aims to "contribute to the elimination of conflicts around the world and the creation of a harmonious and peaceful society for every individual on earth", and provide a platform that anyone who shares the Foundation's purpose and philosophy. Furthermore, the Foundation will continue its activities while maintaining its neutral stance as a private organization in the future, away from the influences by nations or organizations.